Belize Country Implementation Plan 2022 - 2023

The Country Implementation Plan (CIP) was developed for the four (4) UNMSDCF Strategic Pillars with support from UN inter-agency, technical working groups and validated with the Government of Belize to ensure responsiveness to the national development direction as outlined in the draft Medium-term Development Strategy. In June 2022, the UN and GOB jointly convened to review the current programmatic offer by the UN and validated the outputs and sub-outputs for the CIP 2022- 2023. This session followed from prioritization consultations with government and also led to the identification of key strategic proposals to inform future CIPs.
The first CIP for the MSDCF 2022-2026 will cover a two-year period and will be monitored and reported in the UN INFO platform ( The UN INFO platform provides users with a space to update progress and challenges with CIP implementation and will be used to formulate the Annual Country Results Report (CRR). The CIP 2022 - 2023 reflects the planned programmatic activities (sub-outputs) for all UN agencies working in Belize and the resources that are required and available, as well as funding gaps for both years. It will be reviewed, re-assessed and adjusted, if necessary, in line with new and emerging priorities in the country and from the decision of the Joint National Steering Committee.