Press Release

PAHO/WHO Belize and the European Union facilitate site visits for prospective contractors to three of Belize’s hospitals

19 March 2021

As part of the European Union (EU) funded Health Sector Support Programme, the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) facilitated site visits for prospective contractors for the retrofitting of the Punta Gorda and Corozal Community Hospitals and Southern Regional Hospital in Dangriga.

The 6.8 million Euro project will strengthen and improve Belize’s health system to achieve universal health care for all as well as develop climate-friendly and disaster-resilient health facilities in the country. The Punta Gorda and Corozal Community Hospitals and Southern Regional Hospital are three of the six health facilities to be retrofitted under this project including Northern Regional Hospital, Western Regional Hospital and Central Medical Laboratory.

“As COVID-19 has shown us, the capability to respond and deliver care safely during emergencies including disaster-related situations is key in becoming a ‘smart’ health facility,” said Dr. Noreen Jack, PAHO/WHO Representative of Belize. “Through this partnership with the European Union, we will be able to reduce vulnerability in six of Belize’s health care facilities while strengthening structural and non-structural aspects including increasing operational savings.”

The site visit allowed prospective contractors to do a walk-through of the facility to understand and identify areas of the facility to be retrofitted. It also provided the opportunity for Acting Regional Manager, Mrs. Floridalia Quiroz, and Design and Inspection Consultant, Mr. Ariel Mitchell to answer any queries the contractors may have regarding the scope of works. Also, in attendance was Mr. Nicolaus Hansmann, Team Leader of the European Union in Belize, who was also briefed on the different areas of the facility being retrofitted.

Mr. Hansmann expressed satisfaction about the high number of Belizean constructing companies participating in the site visits. He underlined that the grant funds from the European Union will facilitate that health facilities in Belize are more efficient, storm resilient and environmentally friendly.

Site visits will also be conducted at Western Regional Hospital and the other facilities in the upcoming weeks.

About the Belize Health Sector Support Programme

Under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) agreement between Belize and the European Union (EU), this is a five-year project aimed at "achieving a better quality of life, for all Belizeans, living now and in the future." The Health Sector Support Programme is funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) in partnership with the Ministry of Health and Wellness. These partners work collaboratively to improve Belize’s health sector and develop climate-friendly and disaster-resilient health facilities.

Zenena Moguel

Communications and Visibility Consultant

UN entities involved in this initiative

Pan American Health Organization
World Health Organization

Goals we are supporting through this initiative