SDG Investor Map Report

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) partnering with the Office of the Prime Minister; the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment; the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator; PPF Capital; and the UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund, takes the opportunity of the Belize Investment Summit 2021 to present an initial portfolio laying out sixteen (16) Investment Opportunity Areas (IOAs) in seven (7) SDG enabling sectors. The Investment Opportunity Areas (IOAs) were developed through UNDP’s SDG Investor Maps and Impact Facilitation window.
“The United Nations Development Programme in Belize is pleased to present the first edition of the Sustainable Development Goals Investor Map for Belize. The SDG Map was developed to provide investors with market intelligence about tangible investment opportunities and business models that can advance the SDGs while providing resilient and inclusive growth opportunities for Belize. The process is rooted in the national development priorities and at a time when more than ever, a sustainable, inclusive, and transformative approach to economic development is required.” were comments shared by Ms. Denise Antonio, Resident Representative – United Nations Development Programme.
The SDGs provide a blueprint to achieve a more sustainable and resilient global future. UNDP’s SDG Impact and Investor Maps provide investors with evidence, data and concrete recommendations on viable business models as entry-points for Public-Private Financing dialogue. It translates SDG oriented national priorities into investor language; mapping the overlaps and gaps between public sector priorities and private sector interest. Belize Investor Maps are expected to be made available through an online platform for easy access by domestic and foreign investors. Click here to download the SDG Investor Map Slide Deck.
“The Government of Belize is pleased to showcase the first edition of the Sustainable Development Goals Investment Opportunity Areas with the support of UNDP,” said Hon. Christopher Coye, Minister of State – Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment. “As we celebrate our 40th year of independence, we assuredly say that Belize is open for business!”
Forging collective actions, these initial SDG Investor Maps for Belize presents viable investment solutions addressing national priorities if the areas of health, education, financial inclusion, renewable energy, and livelihood restoration, amongst others. The United Nations Development Programme thanks counterparts within the Government of Belize for their facilitation of this process and commits its support to Impact facilitation events meant to bring these IOA’s to life.
Click on this link to read the remarks delivered by the UNDP Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean, Luis F. Lopez-Calva at the 2021 Belize Investment Summit.