Press Release

The United Nations in Belize calls for collective commitment to end gender-based violence

15 March 2024

The United Nations in Belize expresses its deep concern over the recent tragic incidents that have claimed the lives of women and children both in their homes and public spaces. The right to life is fundamental and should be expected and respected by all in Belize.

We offer our condolences to families affected by these recent tragic cases of domestic and gender-based violence and commit to continue supporting the Government and people of Belize in the pursuit of freedom from violence.

We all collectively have a role to play in ensuring that Belize remains a safe, secure, and inclusive society for everyone.

The United Nations works to support Belize's commitment to eliminate all forms of violence especially against women and girls making the recent events even more distressing.

The United Nations is fully committed to support the Government of Belize and civil society in concrete actions to realize the rights of all women and children, allowing them to live lives free of violence including preventive support and the attention of mental health aspects and consequences of those affected.

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Mirsy Ponce

Executive Associate, Office of the UN Resident Coordinator

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Resident Coordinator Office
United Nations

Goals we are supporting through this initiative